OOO-vercoming Obstacles

There’s a difference between saying you’re going to do something and then actually doing it. This statement is obvious in sentiment but very often not considered when an obstacle presents itself: The girl you always want to talk to; the boss you’d like to punch in the face; the free t-shirt if you eat the entire 72 oz. of steak… you know, obstacles.

But that’s what Saturday was all about for the Oregon Ducks. Meeting obstacles, challenging them, and ultimately overcoming them as they said they would.

As a team that has been knocked for having an easy schedule, Oregon simply continued to win games on Saturday, treating each opponent the same and handling USC with little difference than they did Arizona State. (Though much different than the throttling of the Tennessee Techs and Colorados of the world.) Again, obstacles appear throughout the journey; some seem insurmountable, others trivial, but they all need to be dealt with and handled with a sense of calm and understanding that if you’re going to get over it, you have to think it’s possible to begin with. Chip Kelly has programmed these players (and the fan-base) to see obstacles as opportunities to prove their worth, as opposed to treating them like danger that must be reasoned with.

Oregon knew they had to win, but the difference is they also knew that they could win. Going to USC is never easy for any team, especially one that is looking to take over the Trojan’s mantle as the Pac-12’s best, but Oregon saw the opportunity they’ve been looking for to beat a ranked opponent and seized it with relative ease.

They saw an opportunity to talk to the girl, and they took it.

It’s important to remember, too, acting on impulse versus executing to overcome are two totally different things—that’s why jamming your car into reverse because the asshole riding your bumper deserves to be taught a lesson isn’t an obstacle worth pursuing.

With that in mind, it’s important to highlight that Oregon has set themselves up nicely for the rest of their season. They’ve already jumped up the BCS rankings to #3 based on Saturday’s win, and it seems to reason that they’d continue to jump if they can beat their final four opponents, three of which happen to be ranked.

It’s important to realize Oregon’s always been in control of their destiny this season. Granted, there haven’t been many hiccups along the way, but that’s why it was important that they not shy away or cower—or fail—from the first one. Instead, they can confidently look at themselves and know that they will be stronger in the end. Again, obvious in sentiment, but important to focus on.

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